Just here for the list? Get the printable PDF here to enhance high school learning with movies!

High school goes by fast…so much to cram into their heads, so little time. We have only 4 years to prepare them to maneuver the world. A world where no one will ever know everything. And many don’t know much. And hopefully our kids will have developed a love of learning and keep it in their hearts, or at the very least, the skills required to figure things out or die trying.

I’m not scared of high school anymore. But while they are mine to command errr… instruct, I will shove as much knowledge, experience, and moral reasoning into them as is domestically possible between loads of laundry and moments I step away for personal sanity or to shave my legs.

Let’s go to the movies! We haven’t got all the time in the world so we must make haste. And go to the movies? Well, yes. It’s a cram session your kids will endorse. Like life’s CliffsNotes, only with popcorn and comfy lounging chairs, movies can be used to teach life lessons and historical facts we otherwise might not have the time to cover in just 4 short years of high school.

Why, in just a few short hours and a well deserved intermission, Scarlett O’hara taught me the backward elegance of the old South and how to rebuild Atlanta while rocking a dress made of velvet curtains!

But TV will rot your brain, right? I remember adults always telling us TV will rot our brains back in the ….oops almost showed my age. But we were told that you don’t really learn anything from screen time. That we become zombie-like and eat carpet fuzz or something.

But I think we’ve disproved that theory again and again by the sheer number of movie lines we are each able to quote in jokes, memes, and during our best parenting moments. ex. “You want to know the truth about what happened to your Halloween candy, kid? YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!”

homeschool quote meme Ferris Beuller's Day Off

What Can Movies Do… that curriculum can’t do?

-Movies can burn images and emotions into our memories forever; a feat of which textbooks and timelines fall short.

-Movies can cover great swathes of time in short but meaningful stints, highlighting significant changes across eras.

-Above all, when entertained, we enjoy and remember more, and the retelling of that enjoyment later to friends or family further cements what we have learned into memory.

But Hollywood, ugh… Hollywood isn’t my favorite foreign country these days either. Politics and popcorn don’t mix. Just say no. But they have served up some epic cinematic genius in the past and still, occasionally, spit out a film or two worth blowing this week’s grocery budget to go and see.

Like many other groups/races/think tanks in the world, we are only hearing the loud mouths in their field and they certainly don’t represent everyone in their zip code. Or soccer team, ahem. So, stay alert and waiting for that gem of a film that still occasionally shines among a sea of garbage and overdone sequels and replays.

Movies worth fighting over the couch for… When learning about a particular event, time period, or notable person, a great movie can really bring it all to life. Make it real for us. Make us feel something. And when Hollywood does it right, it can change us. That’s learning, folks. READ: Homeschool Kumbaya Moments.

Here in Texas we can visit the Alamo. Touch the walls that kept the Spanish out. Stand where Travis drew a line in the dirt. And it inspires us. It’s amazing it still stands today. Awesome to see. But the movie made Travis’ words, “Victory or Death” sting my boy’s eyes and burn with pride in their chests. Something waiting in 95 degree heat and the bustle of modern downtown San Antonio can’t quite achieve.

So I’ve made a list…

Hifalutin Homeschooler’s Guide to Enhancing High School with MOVIES!

18 Categories. 100s of Movies. And countless jewels of learning to be had!

What movies would you include in a 4 year film course to arm your teen with historical facts, street smarts, empathy, cultural knowledge and moral fortitude?

I asked, and you answered! I received hundreds of great suggestions for movies to enhance high school learning. And because you asked, and I’m such a nice OCD person, and have so much free time, I compiled and categorized a star studded list of noteworthy movies and their parental ratings.

You’re welcome. I like coffee, cookie dough bites, and fall scented candles.

Parental Guidance:

Movies mentioned in this document were suggested either by me or Facebook followers of Hifalutin Homeschooler. I have not personally watched all these films and will not vouch for any of their content or educational worth.

Please watch any and all movies mentioned at your own discretion. Film ratings vary depending on their release date and changes in rating requirements. If you are unsure, please look up parental reviews and do your own research. Thanks!

Movie Categories Include:

  1. Life Lessons and Soul Boosting Moments
  2. Literature Worth Watching
  3. Extraordinary True Lives
  4. Time Period Pieces/Epic Stories
  5. American History (or related)
  6. Mostly Military
  7. WWII/Holocaust (more than military
  8. Higher Education
  9. For the Love of Music
  10. Dystopian/Apocalyptic
  11. Sports Fans
  12. Survival Skills
  13. Wild Westerns
  14. Keeping the Faith
  15. Difficult to Watch, But Moving
  16. Classic Horror/Thrillers
  17. Documentaries Mentioned
  18. Memorable Fun for Teens



Don’t forget the popcorn!

Best wishes for an amazing high school homeschool experience

to you all.♥


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