A Simple Solid Homeschool Transcript Proven Points of Success
Simple effective tips for building a solid homeschool transcript that stands out where it should without unwanted homeschool scrutiny. Why organizing by subject, assigning simple letter grades, and an unweighted GPA can keep your child under the homeschool radar. Plus Hifalutin proof of homeschool transcript success!
Secrets of a Homeschool Science Nerd Suggestions for Fearless Homeschool Science
Homeschool Favorites Homeschool science is my 2nd favorite subject. Second only to reading aloud to my kids. Which I suppose we do in science too, so, really it’s a tie for first place. And like reading with our kids, we don’t teach science, we do science....Homeschooling Grows Parents That Rise to Responsibility More Than We Once Were...
Homeschooling can grow sturdy kids and ripen parents to excellence… The risk of leaving things to the “professionals” who instruct kids via government mandates and cultural fads far outweighs the risks of taking on all of parenting… Break the ease of indifference, the comfort of distraction, and deny the insinuation of incompetence without professional oversight. Learn and grow alongside your kids and for your kids.
Gross-Out Grammar Series Humorous Language Arts for Relucant Writers
Kids will love language arts as the Gross-Out Grammar Series and Revolting Writing shake things up with laugh-out-loud learning and excitement! A humorous grammar and writing program for ages 9-13 years, or any age student looking for a hilarious grammar review and creative writing journal.
Homeschool Fallout Relish the Right to a Homeschool Hiatus
Homeschool fallout occurs from calendar conflicts, holidays & head colds. As the need to do-it-all overwhelms, remember there’s no need!
Homeschool Planners Simple Steps to Organize Personalized Learning
Homeschool planners are a great tool to help parents stay organized and inspire self-driven learning in older kids. Here’s how to get started, and some common pitfalls to avoid.
Gather Guidance, Resources, and Resolve at a Great Homeschool Convention
Come away from Great Homeschool Conventions reassured of your homeschool choice and with the resources, connections, and resolve for individualized success.
Perfectly Inadequate to Homeschool
You are completely inadequate to homeschool, according to the world. Don’t be intimidated. Your natural ability to instruct your kids along with your will to succeed, and the simplicity to do so, cannot be reproduced in mass. And that is intimidating to the system. And your authority and mandate to homeschool comes from higher power.
Homeschool Science Humor, Hurdles, Help, and SWEEPSTAKES!
Boost your confidence as a homeschool science teacher with some truth and blunders from a seasoned homeschool mom, and learn about Science Unlocked homeschool science kits that are a total game changer! And enter the SWEEPSTAKES!