Homeschooling is Parenting

Homeschooling is more than an educational option for kids. Homeschooling is complete parenting. And it is the foundation and catalyst for parents to finish growing up, ripen themselves into leaders, and assert their rights and responsibilities to their children.

“Leave it to the professionals.” they say…

Sadly, homeschooling seems an overwhelming task to many parents that are misled by modern society’s insistence on “leaving things to the professionals.” And by crippling design, society provides many convenient excuses, distractions, and off-ramps from responsible parenting and accountability.

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Challenge the Low Expectation of Parents Today

I urge you to rise to the occasion, because the occasion urgently demands parents take back their authority and fill their essential roles. The crumbling foundation of this nation can be salvaged if more parents wake up and realize that children are not pets to be boarded and trained by strangers out of view, and likely against, parents’ values and beliefs.

Parents are waking up to the results of leaving things to the system and reclaiming their rights and reclaiming their rights and responsibilities realizing that kids are not pets to be boarded and trained without their input and often against their values.

Homeschool parents, who dare to challenge the necessity of university-acquired teaching skills, know that homeschooling is less overwhelming when you realize you can learn right alongside your kids. We know our kids best, love them most, and are most invested in how they turn out. Thus, we are naturally equipped to guide them to life skills and knowledge.



Homeschooling Grows Parents

Homeschooling can grow sturdy kids and ripen parents to excellence, not only by teaching their kids how to learn and that learning never ceases, but by modeling personal and family responsibility, confidence, moral fortitude, and leadership.


More Than We Once Were…

In response to a recent inquiry of my 60k+ homeschool audience on Facebook, parents were more than eager to share the ways they have grown personally in skills, character, and values after deciding to homeschool. Answers varied from the specific, such as…“I finally memorized the 50 states and their capitals with my kids!” to the more general statements like “Homeschooling has made me take time to learn with and appreciate my children individually.”


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Many parents began new hobbies, started businesses, or became leaders in their communities. To put their money where their mouth is when urging their kids to fear not trying more than failing, parents have amazed themselves with what they have dared to do simply because little eyes were watching. Such a humbling audience leads us to model strength and gumption we hope to see reproduced in our kids someday.

…urging their kids to fear not trying more than failing, parents have amazed themselves with what they have dared to do simply because little eyes were watching. 

Parents also mentioned new skills they obtained alongside their kids. Survival skills such as gardening, canning, hunting, fishing, sewing, first aid, and raising farm animals were big on the list. Stronger Christian faith and biblical knowledge was also a top response from parents.

But the running theme throughout the hundreds of inspiring testimonies I received was summed up in one simple submission:

“How to leave my comfort zone and plunge into the unknown…”



The Risks of Homeschooling

Everything in life worth doing has risks. Financial risks are probably the first worries many parents contend with when deciding to homeschool. Next, it’s the risk of being different and not keeping up with kids in schools or being alienated from opportunities.

There is also the risk of losing family and friends who don’t understand, disagree with, or take personal offense to homeschooling. Perhaps the biggest risk weighing on most new homeschoolers’ shoulders is the risk of failure.


The Risk of Not Rising Up

However, after homeschooling for a time, many of us know the bigger risk would have been to not rise to the occasion and become the parents God meant us to be. To not dare to keep learning after adulthood and allow our children to mold us as we mold them was the greatest decision of our lives. The risk of leaving things to the “professionals” who instruct kids via government mandates and cultural fads far outweighs the risks of taking on all of parenting.

The risk of leaving things to the “professionals” who instruct kids via government mandates and cultural fads far outweighs the risks of taking on all of parenting.



What Do You Have to Lose?

Today the force driving thousands of concerned parents to choose homeschooling is the fear that their children will not be different. The masses are being schooled in woke ideology and intentional confusion denying truth and logic. The nation’s current leadership seems to be working furiously on the destruction of the American family and traditional values and declares that…

“There is no such thing as other people’s children.” ~Joe Biden

This is a sinister red flag for their views about homeschooling families, but also a threat to all parental rights.


Rise to Fill Your Most Important Role

Therefore, rise. I pray more and more parents will wake up, grow up, and stand up for their family. Do not cower and concede in insecurity to the very system that will claim your rights are void at the school doors, that their professionals can do a better job, and ironically leave your children believing they too are incapable of fully parenting their own children someday.

Therefore rise… wake up, grow up, and stand up for…family.

Rise. Break the ease of indifference, the comfort of distraction, and deny the insinuation of incompetence without professional oversight. Learn and grow alongside your kids and for your kids. Homeschool out of spite for, not fear of those who seek to dissolve your family ties.

Rise to the most important position you will ever hold; nurturer, teacher, leader, mentor, protector. Your most important role… Parent.


meme give them our taxes not our children

Homeschooling Today Magazine  is a homeschool friend that arrives with help, humor, and heart.
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