“Anything school can do I can do better!”

Hifalutin Homeschooler
Jennifer Cabrera

Jennifer Cabrera

Jennifer Cabrera

Jennifer Cabrera

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Election Night! Family Board Game Race to the White House

Election Night! Family Board Game Race to the White House

We want our kids to know how our government and election system works, it’s foundation, and the importance of maintaining the Electoral College as the method for choosing the next President of the United States. Make learning about the electoral college great again!… with Election Night! the board game.

The Homeschool Wager

“We wagered a second income on the notion that we could educate our children more effectively than the public-school system.

We wagered the need to fit into the world’s expectations on the belief that our children should look to us for social and moral guidance.

We wagered the ease and comfort of kid-free time on the belief that kids need family more than peers, love more than affirmation, and encouragement more than conformity.”

Jennifer Cabrera
Hifalutin Homeschooler


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Hifalutin Homeschooler
P.O. Box 793
Salado, Texas 76571

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