When Family and Friends Are Opposed to Homeschooling

When Family and Friends Are Opposed to Homeschooling

It seems some people lose all sense of decorum when confronted with the disquieting news that you are planning to homeschool…The last thing a worried new homeschool mom needs to bear is the added weight of the thinly veiled indignation of others. As if their obvious questions and assertions haven’t crossed her mind.

Why It’s Okay to Homeschool One Year at a Time

Why It’s Okay to Homeschool One Year at a Time

“I don’t remember standing before God and having my family and friends witness me taking a vow to homeschool until graduation or death!… Instead, I made a silent promise that day. A promise that I would never quit seeking the best road for raising and educating my kids. No matter how uncomfortable, against the grain, or what looks or comments came my way, I would continuously seek the best educational opportunities I could provide my boys.

Oh Ya, We All Know “That” Homeschool Family

Oh Ya, We All Know “That” Homeschool Family

Legend has it that the 12 or some odd children, though illiterate and poorly spoken, were nonetheless able to quote the Bible by book, chapter and verse and without dropping the piece of straw they gritted between their maligned teeth…they shield their faces from strangers who might try and engage them. Socially. Their story has become infamous and an albatross around many of our necks.

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