We Joined a Homeschool Co-op. What Happened Next…

We Joined a Homeschool Co-op. What Happened Next…

We survived our first semester without any noticeable spiritual judgment or confrontation. I was worried we’d be “Christian-timidated,” which is a word that I just made up and here means– made to feel less than biblically adequate to hang with the click. Of course, we proclaim we are Christians in this house, but we are not up on the lingo. Does that make sense?

I want to Homeschool, But I Don’t Want to Teach

I want to Homeschool, But I Don’t Want to Teach

I want to be the kind of homeschool mom who can wedge herself in between Webster’s Dictionary and a selection of Usborne Encyclopedia’s …and I’d just hop down from my shelf to run out and buy pre-sharpened Ticonderogas, arrange field trips, keep the WiFi running, and set out tea for the college recruiters. Anything’s possible….

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