A Simple Solid Homeschool Transcript Proven Points of Success

A Simple Solid Homeschool Transcript Proven Points of Success

Simple effective tips for building a solid homeschool transcript that stands out where it should without unwanted homeschool scrutiny. Why organizing by subject, assigning simple letter grades, and an unweighted GPA can keep your child under the homeschool radar. Plus Hifalutin proof of homeschool transcript success!

Homeschooling Money-Wise Kids Family Money School

Homeschooling Money-Wise Kids Family Money School

In this uncertain and financially reckless world we need to arm our kids with the money management skills to be free from financial coercion. Because living a life in debt is to be beholden to who you owe and who is giving the handouts.
“Family Money School” offers self-guided teen and parent/child courses to teach kids to become money-savvy adults!

101 Lies I Tell Myself About Homeschooling

101 Lies I Tell Myself About Homeschooling

A hilarious list of 101 homeschool lies we tell ourselves under the pressure for perfection and the desire for the outside world to pat us on the back. Dreams of educational success lead to grand expectations and impossible goals we can’t begin to complete when life gets in the way.

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