Did I Always Want to be a Homeschool Mom?
Did you know you always wanted to homeschool? Or did you wake up one day and discover you were teaching fractions in your nightgown and enjoying it?
Did you know you always wanted to homeschool? Or did you wake up one day and discover you were teaching fractions in your nightgown and enjoying it?
I want to be the kind of homeschool mom who can wedge herself in between Webster’s Dictionary and a selection of Usborne Encyclopedia’s …and I’d just hop down from my shelf to run out and buy pre-sharpened Ticonderogas, arrange field trips, keep the WiFi running, and set out tea for the college recruiters. Anything’s possible….
Do homeschooled kids feel the same spirit of the season? This time of year….the $1 bins are brimming with glue sticks and useless shaped erasers, I can’t help but feel the excitement in the air. Like Christmas. Seriously. It’s nostalgic and filled with possibilities! Or a phantom holiday…. like we had busted open a piñata and all that came out were pencil shavings and spelling words.
We owe it to the homeschool newbies to keep it real… Some days all mine want to do is binge watch SpongeBob and gorge on peanut butter stuffed pretzels. And I’d like to hideout in my room and binge watch the back of my eyelids, but this stuff won’t learn itself!