When Family and Friends Are Opposed to Homeschooling

When Family and Friends Are Opposed to Homeschooling

It seems some people lose all sense of decorum when confronted with the disquieting news that you are planning to homeschool…The last thing a worried new homeschool mom needs to bear is the added weight of the thinly veiled indignation of others. As if their obvious questions and assertions haven’t crossed her mind.

The Homeschool Wager

The Homeschool Wager

“We wagered a second income on the notion that we could educate our children more effectively than the public school system. We wagered the need to fit into the outside world’s social expectations on the belief that our children should look to us for social and moral guidance. We wagered the ease and comfort of kid-free time on the belief that kids need family more than peers, love more than affirmation, and encouragement more than conformity.”

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