We could all use a gallery of laughs to get through some homeschool days… so I decided to share Hifalutin Homeschooler’s 25 most popular homeschool memes to brighten your day! Bookmark this page and pull it up when you need a recharge. Or send it to a friend that might be holding on by her coffee pot. 

Of course, it was difficult to choose from my extensive library of great sarcasm and inspiration, but I’ve whittled it down to the greats.

Often the best rebuttal to a naysayer, or the best inspiration for the unsure, is a great homeschool meme. Placing a meme is like playing your best card and saying…“I’ll just put this insight or sarcasm right here,” and then walk away, leaving it for your audience to interpret things how they will.

My early hifalutin homeschool memes set out to make fun of homeschooling and those who know nothing of it. And Lord knows I’ve stirred the pot a time or two with a well-placed homeschool meme.

gift book socialize like a homeschoolerA great homeschool gift for parents and teens!

Yet, I hope I have also brought some belly laughs, inspiration for the newbies, and a nudge to keep going for those that know what it’s really like in the trenches arguing over literally everything with your hard-headed children, and loving every minute of the chance to do so.

Therefore, we may struggle to find what there is to be thankful for in these crazy times, but remember this…

  1. Things can always get worse.
  2. You don’t need a laminator. (come at me, bro)
  3. God wins in the end.
  4. Thank Him for the freedom to homeschool and all your blessings. 


And now, without further ado…
My Top 25 Hifalutin Homeschool Memes


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