Yes, My Kids Have Asked to go to School

Yes, My Kids Have Asked to go to School

And it was like being stabbed in the heart with the pretty blue math compass I bought him for 5th grade math! “… I just wanted to see what middle school is like and meet some new friends.” …I’m not protecting him. I’m providing him with an alternate route with which to emerge having lost none of himself.

Handwriting and Other Homeschool Torture Devices

Handwriting and Other Homeschool Torture Devices

Sometimes I just sit around thinking up ways I can provoke my kid’s groans and hissy fits, so I can make my day especially obnoxious, long and unbearable. A day filled with carefully calculated ways to be griped at and made to feel mean and overbearing. Because that is what it’s all about. Me making their lives miserable.

10 Things I Hate About Homeschooling

10 Things I Hate About Homeschooling

…homeschooling is not all pencil bouquets, nature walks, and cocoa on the couch with story time. It may only be that you hate the cheap pencil sharpener that you settled for, or how the new globe is slightly off its axis, but you hate something about homeschooling, so fess up!

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