Homeschooling Grows Parents That Rise to Responsibility More Than We Once Were...

Homeschooling Grows Parents That Rise to Responsibility More Than We Once Were...

Homeschooling can grow sturdy kids and ripen parents to excellence… The risk of leaving things to the “professionals” who instruct kids via government mandates and cultural fads far outweighs the risks of taking on all of parenting… Break the ease of indifference, the comfort of distraction, and deny the insinuation of incompetence without professional oversight. Learn and grow alongside your kids and for your kids.

Perfectly Inadequate to Homeschool

Perfectly Inadequate to Homeschool

You are completely inadequate to homeschool, according to the world. Don’t be intimidated. Your natural ability to instruct your kids along with your will to succeed, and the simplicity to do so, cannot be reproduced in mass. And that is intimidating to the system. And your authority and mandate to homeschool comes from higher power.

Old School Homeschool

Old School Homeschool

Dare to “old school homeschool” and embrace family freedom. Parents everywhere are reclaiming their rights and responsibilities and loving it. Become a new “old school homeschooler” and keep true homeschooling safe from gov’t intrusion.

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