The Ten Commandments of a Homeschool Mom

The Ten Commandments of a Homeschool Mom

“…choosing to ignore or break any of the following commandments could result in a 15lb weight gain, wrinkles, torn cuticles, a twitching eye, split ends, a missing husband, hemorrhoids, chin hairs, or worse…all loss of confidence and a return to the carpool line from whence you fled.”

I want to Homeschool, But I Don’t Want to Teach

I want to Homeschool, But I Don’t Want to Teach

I want to be the kind of homeschool mom who can wedge herself in between Webster’s Dictionary and a selection of Usborne Encyclopedia’s …and I’d just hop down from my shelf to run out and buy pre-sharpened Ticonderogas, arrange field trips, keep the WiFi running, and set out tea for the college recruiters. Anything’s possible….

The First Day of School is a Phantom Holiday

The First Day of School is a Phantom Holiday

Do homeschooled kids feel the same spirit of the season? This time of year….the $1 bins are brimming with glue sticks and useless shaped erasers, I can’t help but feel the excitement in the air. Like Christmas. Seriously. It’s nostalgic and filled with possibilities! Or a phantom holiday…. like we had busted open a piñata and all that came out were pencil shavings and spelling words.

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