10 Things I Hate About Homeschooling

10 Things I Hate About Homeschooling

…homeschooling is not all pencil bouquets, nature walks, and cocoa on the couch with story time. It may only be that you hate the cheap pencil sharpener that you settled for, or how the new globe is slightly off its axis, but you hate something about homeschooling, so fess up!

Gifted 2e: A Brilliant Mess

Gifted 2e: A Brilliant Mess

I don’t believe in ADHD, but I am pretty sure two of my kids have it, by all standards of diagnosis, and all three probably could pick up a few sensory hashtags as well. Recently, I learned the term twice exceptional or 2e. The definition comes closer to identifying my boys than any other. I like the all-encompassing value of the term, but still I hesitate. My son is a whole mess of personality quirks, brilliant and unique. Brilliance that could be missed, if it were prefaced with a cloud of labels buzzing around him like flies. I believe that their unique behaviors are the exhaust of beautiful minds at work.

Homeschool Moms: the Fat Girls At Prom

Homeschool Moms: the Fat Girls At Prom

Those who could homeschool but have no desire, are now insecure with you in the room. They don’t want to sound rude or judgmental so, by some kind of weird defense mechanism, they insult themselves as if you are there to recruit cult members or extra wives to haul away in your homemade cart and buggy out back?!

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